Historic Naval Fiction Series
The Merriman Chronicles
The Threat In The East
Book 4
Updated 2024 Edition
The year is 1798 and it is known that Napoleon is putting a fleet and army together to attack Egypt, from where he might be able to threaten and even attack India to join with Tipu Sahib the ruler of Mysore, a known ally of the French. A British fleet under Admiral Nelson is hoping to intercept him but there is no word of their progress.
Merriman has been ordered to take the Treasury Agent Mr Grahame to Bombay where their orders are to help The East India Company protect their shipping from pirates and also to find out how far Tipu’s naval building has progressed.

Reviews of The Threat In The East
Another excellent read
"All of Burnage's books are interesting and well written. He is obviously the best of the many maritime authors. Too many of the others fill their tales with domestic drivel rather than action at sea.
Not so Burnage!"
Off to India
"I am thoroughly enjoying the Merriman chronicles. As a series in the age of fighting sail these books are well constructed, characters are solid, and the technical points of sailing a fighting ship are well done.
Thank you Roger Burnage!"
Another excellent sea tale
"Another excellent sea tale ! There is just so much authors can add to the countless stories around this time in history, some excel in there developed plots of hero's versus villain and remain in the realms of believable historic fiction. This series and author excel in my humble opinion"
Historical fiction
"Great novel describing the naval action at the end of Napoleon in Europe and his attempt to invade Egypt and further his attempt to move into India and the spice trade. The navy move against pirates and privateers"
Great series
"Patrick O’Brien? I thought I would never get hooked on a series like this one I’ll be darned if this one isn’t easier to read maybe even better great ship tales kind of stuff you remember"
Continues to be an excellent series
"I had been awaiting the (next) book of the series and wasn't disappointed. Enjoyable book to read, rounding out the chronicles. Being set in India, was a nice change and interesting. If you have read either of the previous books, you will enjoy this one as well"